Mosquitoes are very virulent insects that can transmit all kinds of diseases to you just through a simple bite. So, it is important to always be vigilant in protecting yourself against these harmful insects. However, it is not always easy to apply repellent at all times.

That’s why installing mosquito netting on your windows can be a better solution to protect yourself from mosquito attacks. However, the installation of this kind of device is not always easy, given the multitude of models that exist on the market! Discover through this article all you need to know about the installation technique of a mosquito net.

The different types of window screens

1. The roll-up screen


The roll-up mosquito net is a model of mosquito net made of fabric that can be easily rolled up in its case. It is discreet, practical, elegant and is available in straight or pleated models.

2. The fixed frame screen

This model mosquito net is removable, and its fabric can be replaced at any time. Its installation does not require drilling the window, as it is fixed to the window frame.

3. The self-gripping mosquito net

Like the fixed frame screen, this model is also removable at any time. Indeed, it has a replaceable fabric with self-adhesive fasteners. It is attached directly to the window with a Velcro strip.

The different steps to install your screen

Taking the measurements of your window

It is imperative to measure the four sides of your window in order to easily choose the right screen kit for it in the market. To do this, you must take measurements from the outside and not the inside, using a tape measure. It is advisable to take several measurements, and if they are not always the same, you should refer to the smallest measurements when purchasing your screen mounting kit.

Installing a roll-up screen

The roll-up screen is a practical solution for your attic roof windows and bay windows. Its installation follows the steps below:

    • Take the measurements of your window if it is not already done.
    • Adapt the measurements of your screen to your window. Note that if your window frame is smaller than the roll-up box, you must saw off the excess box by removing its end caps, then put them back in their place at the end of the operation.
    • Using the instructions for your installation kit, attach the roll-up box, paying attention to the distance between the glass and the screen. Don’t hesitate to use a level to make sure that your box is straight. Don’t forget to mark the locations of the mounting screws before drilling the holes. Use a drill bit that fits your dowels, then attach the bracket before storing the screen box.
    • Attach the screen’s vertical guides to the roll-up box. Then, drill mounting holes in the window frame with the appropriate dowels. Finally, screw the vertical guides in place so that the screen can roll up and down properly.

Installing a fixed frame screen


Fixed screenetns are the easiest type of screen to install. The installation of this type of screen does not always require the intervention of a professional in carpentry because it is enough to slide the frame in the window frame. This is done without any particular fastening.

However, if the screen frame is larger than your window frame, you must saw the profiles to the appropriate size before installation. However, be careful when fixing your fixed frame screen, because if your window opens outwards, the screen must be fixed to the inside window frame, and vice versa if it opens inwards.

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